Many enterprises are being established worldwide for the production of biodiesel using vegetable oil as feedstock.
However, crops such as soya beans, corn - and palm oil are also used by the food industry which put tremendous
strain on the price of the vegetable oil as a starting point for the production of the biodiesel.
Jatropha curcas is the only one which pairs a high yield of extractable oil from the seeds, to a relative low price for the raw oil.
This is due to the fact that Jatropha is a non edible oil.
Since Jatropha is basically a tropical plant that, although it can also be grown in zones 9 - 10, grows best in the tropics.
TROPILAB INC. has taken an initiative to develop Jatropha curcas as a crop for biodiesel production in Surinam.
In the near future a production factory for bio-diesel will be linked up.
In the first stage of the project, 50,000 ha will be put into production in the years ahead.